


The Impact of Global News on Forex Markets

The foreign exchange (forex) market is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world, with daily trading volumes exceeding $6 trillion. Given its global nature, the forex market is influenced by a myriad of factors, with global news being one of the most significant drivers. In this article, we’ll delve deep into understanding how global news events impact currency valuations and forex trading.

1. Understanding the Basics

Before diving into specifics, it’s essential to understand that the forex market operates 24 hours a day, five days a week, spanning across major financial centers like London, New York, Tokyo, and Sydney. This continuous operation means that forex traders need to be on their toes, monitoring global news around the clock.

2. High Impact News Drivers

Several news events have a profound impact on currency valuations. Some of the most influential include:

  • Central Bank Decisions: Announcements related to interest rates, monetary policy, and quantitative easing can lead to significant forex market movements. For instance, a rate hike by the Federal Reserve can boost the US dollar as higher interest rates offer lenders better returns relative to other currencies.
  • Economic Indicators: Data releases such as GDP growth, unemployment rates, inflation rates (CPI), and trade balances provide insights into a country’s economic health, influencing its currency’s value.
  • Political Events: Elections, referendums, and geopolitical tensions can introduce uncertainty, leading to currency volatility. For example, Brexit led to significant fluctuations in the British Pound.
  • Natural Disasters and Pandemics: Unexpected events like earthquakes, hurricanes, or global health crises (e.g., COVID-19) can have short-term impacts on a country’s currency.

3. The Role of Forex Calendars

Platforms like MyFXBook and ForexFactory offer forex calendars that list upcoming news events, their expected impact, and the actual vs. forecasted data. These calendars are invaluable tools for traders, helping them anticipate market movements and strategize accordingly.

4. The Immediate Reaction

Upon the release of significant news, the forex market can react almost instantaneously. Automated trading systems, also known as algorithmic trading, can execute trades within milliseconds, leading to rapid price movements. It’s not uncommon to see major currency pairs move by 50-100 pips or more within minutes of a high-impact news release.

5. The Importance of Sentiment Analysis

Beyond the actual news data, traders also gauge market sentiment. For instance, even if an economic indicator is positive, if it doesn’t meet market expectations, the currency might still decline. Sentiment analysis tools can help traders understand the market’s mood and make informed decisions.

6. Strategies for Trading News Events

Forex traders often employ specific strategies for trading news events. Some might take positions before the news release, anticipating the market’s move, while others might wait for the news and then trade based on the market’s reaction. It’s crucial to have a risk management strategy in place, given the increased volatility during these times.

7. Conclusion

Global news plays a pivotal role in shaping the forex market’s dynamics. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just starting, understanding the impact of news events and how to navigate them is crucial for success. By staying informed, using tools like forex calendars, and employing sound strategies, traders can capitalize on the opportunities presented by global news events.

If you are one of the inconsistent and strategy-hopping few in the trading community looking to better yourself and your trading, make sure to send us an email or a message on telegram to get you started on our exclusive One on One mentorship strictly designed for your success


Disclaimer: Forex trading involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Always conduct thorough research and consult with a financial advisor before making trading decisions.

Fundamental Analysis with FinServCorp Uncategorized

Your Ultimate Guide to all things GDP with The Trading Academy by FinServCorp

Imagine sailing on the vast ocean of the financial world. The waves, the currents, the winds – they all have their sources. In our economic ocean, one of the mightiest winds is the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP. It’s a term you’ve likely heard, but what does it mean, and how does it influence the financial markets? Grab your compass and map; we’re about to embark on a journey to understand GDP.

What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

GDP represents the total monetary value of all goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time frame. Think of it as a health checkup for a country’s economy. It can be measured in three ways:

Production Approach: The value of output minus the value of intermediate consumption

Income Approach: The total compensation of factors of production (like wages and rents)

Expenditure Approach: The total spent on the country’s final output (often the most common approach).

How does GDP affect Economics?

Economic Health: A growing GDP indicates economic health, prosperity, and that the nation is producing more. Conversely, a declining GDP can signal a recession.

Policy Decisions: Governments and central banks use GDP as a key tool to make policy decisions, from interest rates to tax policies.

Investor Sentiment: GDP growth can influence where investors put their money. Strong GDP growth can attract foreign investors looking for the best place to park their money.

GDP and the Dollar Index

The Dollar Index measures the U.S. dollar’s strength against a basket of other major currencies. GDP plays a pivotal role in shaping this index:

  • Positive GDP Readings (MoM, YoY): Month-over-Month (MoM) or Year-over-Year (YoY) growth in GDP can strengthen the U.S. dollar. A growing economy can attract foreign investments, pushing up the demand for the dollar.

  • Negative GDP Readings: A contraction in GDP can weaken the dollar as it might indicate economic troubles, making U.S. assets less attractive to foreign investors.

GDP’s influence on Technical Analysis

While steering clear of the depths of technical analysis, it’s essential to recognize that GDP figures can create waves in the technical charts:

  • Price Movements: Significant GDP announcements can lead to sharp price movements, breaking through established support or resistance levels at what you may consider to be appropriate valuation points.

  • Volume Surges: High-impact news like GDP releases can lead to increased trading volumes, amplifying price movements.

Diving Deeper: Different GDP Readings

MoM (Month-over-Month): This reading compares the GDP of one month to the previous month. It’s a short-term metric and can be more volatile.

YoY (Year-over-Year): This compares the GDP of a specific quarter to the same quarter the previous year, providing a broader view of economic health.

Real vs. Nominal GDP: Real GDP accounts for inflation, giving a more accurate picture of an economy’s size and how it’s growing. Nominal GDP, on the other hand, doesn’t adjust for inflation.

Concluding Note

GDP isn’t just a number or a buzzword. It’s a vital sign of an economy’s health, influencing everything from government policies to the value of a nation’s currency. For traders and investors, understanding the nuances of GDP can provide a clearer picture of the economic landscape, aiding in making informed decisions.

So, the next time you’re charting your course in the financial markets, let the winds of GDP guide you. Safe sailing!

P.S. If you are looking to learn how to trade time-based elements that enables you to identify the bias in a matter of minutes, don’t forget to check out our private mentorship page out. You will not be disappointed!

The Trading Academy by FinServCorp

Fundamental Analysis with FinServCorp Uncategorized

Understanding the power of Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) in the Financial Markets with The Trading Academy

In the world of finance, few economic indicators hold as much weight as the Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP). Released on the first Friday of every month, the NFP report can send ripples throughout the financial markets, influencing everything from currency values to stock prices. But what exactly is the NFP, and why does it matter so much? Let’s dive in.

What exactly is Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP)?

The Non-Farm Payrolls report represents the number of jobs added or lost in the U.S. economy over the last month, excluding jobs in the farming industry. The farming industry is excluded due to its seasonal hiring, which could potentially skew the data. The NFP is a critical economic indicator because employment is a significant factor in determining the health of an economy.

How does NFP data affect Economics as whole?

  • Consumer Spending: Employment levels directly influence consumer spending. When employment is high, consumers have more disposable income, leading to increased spending and, consequently, economic growth.

  • Central Bank Policies: Central banks, like the Federal Reserve, closely monitor the NFP. Strong employment numbers might lead to interest rate hikes to curb inflation, while weak numbers could lead to rate cuts to stimulate borrowing and investment.

  • Investor Sentiment: The NFP can influence investor sentiment. Positive numbers can boost confidence, leading to increased investment in stocks, while negative numbers can have the opposite effect.

You can check public sentiment data in myfxbook:


NFP and the Dollar Index

The Dollar Index measures the value of the U.S. dollar relative to a basket of foreign currencies. Since the U.S. economy plays a pivotal role in the global economy, any significant news, like the NFP, can influence the Dollar Index.

  • Positive NFP Readings: A higher-than-expected NFP reading can strengthen the U.S. dollar as it indicates a robust U.S. economy. A strong economy can attract foreign investment, increasing demand for the U.S. dollar.

  • Negative NFP Readings: A lower-than-expected NFP reading can weaken the U.S. dollar. A weak employment number can signal economic slowdown, making U.S. assets less attractive to foreign investors.

NFP’s influence on Technical Analysis

While this blog post won’t delve deep into technical analysis, it’s essential to understand that fundamental data like the NFP can influence technical patterns. For instance:

  • Price Volatility: On NFP release days, traders can expect increased price volatility, leading to potential breakouts or reversals in existing trends through filling inefficiencies and raiding external liquidity pools

  • Support and Resistance Levels: Strong NFP numbers can push prices to test Premium levels, while weak numbers can lead to tests of Discount levels.

Concluding Note

The Non-Farm Payrolls report is more than just a number. It’s a reflection of the U.S. economy’s health and a significant driver of financial market movements. Whether you’re a trader, investor, or just someone keen on understanding the economy, keeping an eye on the NFP can offer valuable insights into the broader economic landscape.

Stay tuned for more insights and deep dives into the world of finance and trading with The Trading Academy!

Uncategorized When the Algorithm Calls

When the Algorithm Calls: NASDAQ Bearish Bias Prediction for the 8th of September 2023

The ‘Hindsight’ Image

The Analysis

This trade was called out in the following YouTube video:

Now, over here based on the analysis is that price took out External Liquidity As we know, based on the function of price in terms of its sequence of movement, a reversal will always form around an External Liquidity Pool. To further add to that point, an expansion in the direction of actual order flow will then be facilitated through the usage of Fair Value points of interests.

Now, these Fair Value points of interests come in many forms:

  • Your True Fair Value Gap
  • Balanced Price Range (BPR)
  • Inverse Fair Value Gap
  • Inverse Redelivered Rebalance

I know what you are thinking:

‘BPR and Inverse Fair Value Gaps are the same !’

I hate to break it to you… They are not the same

In selecting the area in which you are going to sell from in this example, it will of course be inside of premium. The upper half of the dealing range that you are presented with. As explained in the YouTube video linked above on how to use accumulation fractals in your trading, I elected to use the Inverse Fair Value Gap.

As for the targeting system used for this trade, I used my target selection tool which I call my N30 Projections. This is a method whereby I use the Manipulated Range in order to keep my take profit 2 Standard Deviations away. However, in reality I just kept my profit target at the immediate range low just to call it a day.

The Role played by our Bias Predictor

As you, the audience know by now from our social media, we have a bias predictor that accurately predicts the bias for any asset under the US Regulatory Framework. It works 75%+ of the time and when there’s no extreme manipulation and there are obvious points of interests nearby, it has a successful prediction rate of 100%. While the indicator that is out (which is a paid by the way!) predicts the daily bias, we have techniques using nodes of time and price that predicts the bias for individual session and custom segments of time.

We used a mixture of both to solidify our reasoning for this sell on NASDAQ that spanned both the AM Session and the PM Session.

Concluding Note

I hope you found this insightful and be sure to leave a like and share this blog around if you found this content interesting.

Now, if it opened up rabbit holes for you, all you have to do is join us in our private mentorship. I’ll even throw in a lifetime discount of 20% (Code: tta20)

Sign up: https://finservcorp.net/the-trading-academy/